Friday, April 5, 2013

What is Facebook's "Home" Android App

Facebook unveiled Facebook Home app, which is a suite of apps that delivers an entire Facebook experience to your smartphone. Facebook Home isn't a new phone or operating system. It's just a set of apps that act as a "skin" that operates on top of the existing Android OS on your smartphone. 

The apps become the "home" for your smartphone. In short, your device's home screen is turned into a "Cover Feed" that shows a slideshow-like stream of full-screen images from your Facebook friends with status updates that are layered on top of the pictures and scroll continuously. This allows you to see information from your Facebook friends, even when the phone is locked. Because the Home apps are integrated into the Android operating system other notifications will also show up on the "Cover Feed" including e-mails, missed calls, and text messages.

It allows people to engage in multiple conversations at once, and conversations via Facebook chat or SMS without opening a separate app.

Facebook Home will be available for download from the Google Play store starting April 12. Right now, Facebook Home is restricted to a select set of HTC and Samsung Google Android devices. The HTC phones that will initially get access to the app are the upcoming HTC One, as well as the One X, and One X+. You can also get it on several Samsung devices, including the Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, and upcoming Galaxy S4.

See Also:

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Turn your old wireless Router into Advanced Firewall-Router using Tomato Firmware

If you are looking cheap advance firewall for your Home or Small office just install Tomato firmware in your old   Linksys' WRT54G/GL/GS, Buffalo WHR-G54S/WHR-HP-G54  and many supported wireless router. And get advance feature like, Bandwidh usage , Advance QOS, Wireless WDS, Limits P2P usage and many more advance feature using GUI base control.

Wireless Mode feature:

  • Access point (AP)
  • Wireless client station (STA)
  • Wireless Ethernet (WET) bridge
  • Wireless distribution system (WDS also known as wireless bridging)
  • Simultaneous AP and WDS (also known as wireless repeating).
Basic Setup:

Download  it from source forge website or from

 See Also:

OpenWRT for Wifi Hotspot with Captive portal

OpenWrt is described as a Linux distribution for embedded devices.